In the THE University Impact Rankings, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has again taken the top spot in the category industry, innovation, and infrastructure. The rankings measure the contribution of universities to sustainable innovations - through research, spin-offs and industrial partnerships.
For its University Impact Rankings, the highly respected British magazine Times Higher Education (THE) assesses the impact of universities in various categories. The score in the category Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure reflects the number of research publications in fields with a big impact on sustainable innovations such as energy, Industry 4.0 and smart cities. Also reflected in the rankings are citations of research work in patents, the number of spin-offs launched and the volume of research income obtained from industry.
TUM again achieved the maximum possible score and placed first for the fourth time along with seven other universities.
TUM is not only a global leader in research and innovation. Various rankings also place it alongside the world's best teaching universities. In Digital Leaders in Higher Education, it ranks fifth and in the major Times Higher Education Rankings, which assess the overall performance of universities, TUM is number one in the European Union.