Anita Anand Tables 2024-25 Supplementary Estimates

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Today, the Honourable Anita Anand, President of the Treasury Board of Canada, tabled the Supplementary Estimates (A), 2024-25, in the House of Commons.

These Supplementary Estimates propose $11.2 billion in voted budgetary spending across 23 federal organizations. Among the investments are settlements addressing past grievances and historic harms committed against Indigenous Peoples, and programs for Indigenous communities, including $769.7 million for the construction of new water and wastewater infrastructure and $633.5 million for First Nations Child and Family Services.

These Estimates also provide $411.2 million for interim health care and $314.5 million for interim housing to support newcomers, and $600 million toward incentives for Canadians for the purchase of electric vehicles. Additionally, they outline information on $1.5 billion in forecasted statutory budgetary expenditures to reflect updates from Budget 2024 on forecasts for debt charges and elderly benefits.  

Through the Estimates documents, the government provides Canadians with key information on planned spending for programs that Canadians need and value. Estimates help hold the government accountable for the effective and prudent use of taxpayer dollars.

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