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Paramedics Commemorate Anzac Day, Reflect on Defence Service
CMA's Decade Review: Promoting Competition, Protecting Consumers
UN Assembly Discusses Russia's Block of North Korea Sanctions
Sea Comradeship Transforms Friends into Family
AUKMIN 2024: Australia-UK Defence Consultations Announced
Australia, UK Pledge to Modernize Defence Ties
Genuine Master Of Air
Health Brigade Celebrates Year of Transformation
First Public Hearing on ADF Helicopter Crash Deaths Begins
Dynamic moves for Cope North
UK Assumes Command of NATO Rapid Response Force
Army's Unit of Action Sees Command Shift
Unveiling Mysterious Face of Hydrogen
Second Australia-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue, New Delhi
Piecing together air battlespace puzzle
Clarity Hits Recruitment Goal for Phase II Prostate Cancer Trial
Space Command Analyst Experiences Stellar Alignment
UK-Poland £4B Air Defence Deal Bolsters European Security
Defence Department Tests Tactical Vehicles
Virgin Australia Picks Sabre as NDC IT Provider
Australia-Japan Defence Ministers' Meeting
Korea-Australia Defence Ministers Hold Breakfast Meeting
Marines Depart from Darwin: Fond Farewell
Vaporised spacecraft linked to metals in atmosphere
Parliament House Mourns MRH-90 Taipan Helicopter Crash
Inaugural Hope Oration by Professor Mark Hutchinson
Rockets on horizon
Ransomware Gang Moves to Release Sabre Leak Data
Australia, Papua New Guinea Defence Ministers Convene
Australia, PNG Defence Ministers Hold Meeting
RAF Jets Head to Poland for Pre-Forum Joint Exercises
Statement on Taipan end of Army service
Taipans withdrawn from service
Army helicopter fleet update
Prehistoric Simulations: Hominins Battle Giant Hyenas for Food
Young Soldier Excels in Early Military Career
Security Council: Ukraine 21 September
US Military Materiel Finds New Home in Australia
Awarded for taking heat out of injuries
UK Boosts Defence Export Relations with Poland
Engineering and Culture Ambassador Appointed by Defence Dept
Australia on move to enhance partnerships
HMAS Adelaide Hosts Event for First Time
Defence Department's Angel Delivers Sweet Treats
Virtual Reality Fitness for Intellectually Disabled Individuals
Reservists Embrace Novel Experience
US Forces Partner with Diggers on Brolga Sprint
Exercise Highball Demonstrates Defence's Land-Based Maritime Strike