ZJU's XIE Zhenye joins men's 4×100m relay final to tie national record at Tokyo Olympics

Zhejiang University

In the attention-riveting men's 4×100m relay final at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics on August 6, China's relay quartet came in 4th at 37.79 seconds, equaling the national record.

XIE Zhenye, a doctoral candidate in the discipline of athletic training at the Zhejiang University College of Education, was one of the members in the squad. Xie's personal best in the 100 meters of 9.97 seconds makes him the second Chinese sprinter to record a time below the 10-second barrier, after Su Bingtian, men's 100m finalist at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

On August 3, XIE Zhenye became the first Chinese athlete to have ever qualified for a semi-final of men's 200 meters at the Olympic Games with a time 20.34 seconds. He is the current Asian record holder of the 200 meters at 19.88 seconds.

For many years Xie has used a motto to motivate himself, "Don't be arrogant when you win, don't be discouraged when you lose. Be present!" Just as he said in the preparation, Xie gave everything in Tokyo to show the best of himself.

In addition to his stellar performance in sprinting races, he also distinguishes himself for his assiduity in study and his passion for school activities. He is amiably known as ZJU's "Running Man" and "Flying Man".

Photo credit: China Daily, Sina Sports

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