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Safest Road Crossing Scenario for Child Pedestrians vs. Self-Driving Cars
Vaccine Developed to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
We Remember History-changing Heroines This Anzac Day
Ozempic: Potential Treatment for Alcohol, Opioid Addictions?
Brain's Beta Rhythms Bursts Drive Cognitive Control
Anzac Day 2024: Gallipoli & France to Provide Broadcast, Stills Imagery 22 April
Energy Transition Will Require Popular Supports
Anzac Day 2024: Gallipoli & France to Provide Broadcast, Stills Imagery
Sad Songs May Be Popular Due to Their Melancholy Appeal
Revolutionary Qubit Measurement Method Boosts Scalability
Biden Speaks on Care Economy
Pushing Limit With Apple Watch Ultra And Speed Project
Other Senses Impact Perception of Smell, Study Finds
Cerebellum Found to Influence Cognitive Function
Feeding Lonely Brain
Zombie Neurons Illuminate Brain's Learning Process
Butterfly-inspired AI Technology Takes Flight
Scientists Discover Wide Variance in Human Visual Speed
Solar Eclipse Could Scramble Bird Behavior
Australia, UK, US Pursue Advanced Electromagnetic Tech
Neuronal Level Study Highlights Visual Attention Construction
Research: Onscreen Instructors Boost Student Learning in Video Classes
Hope For Autoinflammatory Disease Treatment
Man's Brain Infested with Tapeworm Larvae: Mystery Unfolds
AI-generated Food Images Look Tastier Than Real Ones
Summer Solstice Spurs Pan-European Beech Tree Reproduction
Summer Solstice Spurs Beech Tree Reproduction Across Europe
Social Skills Outweigh Genetics in Intelligent Magpies
AI-Created Food Photos More Appetizing Than Reality
Unexpected Outcomes: Digital Nudges In Online Teamwork
Friday Night Baseball Resumes on Apple TV+ March 29
Culture Secretary Addresses Big Creative UK Summit
Daylight Saving Time Escalates Severity of Medical Malpractice
Depth-defying Scientific Explorations
Biden's EO Offers Limited Data Market Control, Highlights Threat
IMF Director Concludes First G20 Finance Ministers Meeting
Harth-Bedoya to Conduct Rice Shepherd Symphony Mar 2-3
Glial Cells' Molecular Clusters Reveal More Than Brain Glue
Scientists Uncover Japanese Horseshoe Bats' Sonar Perception
Mouse Study Sheds Light on Neuronal Communication in Decision-Making
Unraveling Brain's Decision-Making Process
Sea Monsters Revealed as Our Ancient Cousins
Childhood Appetite Tied to Future Eating Disorder Symptoms
Childhood Hunger Tied to Future Eating Disorders
Why Leap Years Are Necessary: Warwick Astrophysicists Explain
Brain's Processing of Emotional Faces Shaped by Language, Culture
Virginia Tech Finds Nutrient Block Curbs Malaria Growth
Brain Hub Key in Learning to Respond to Threats, NIH Finds