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Bacterial RNAs Exhibit Unexpectedly Short Lifespans
Curious Kids: Pre-Toothpaste Oral Care Methods Explored
New Study Sheds Light on Prehistoric Horse Presence in Americas
Preventing Future Extinction by Studying Past
David's Dad Advocates Amid Cancer Heartache
4,000-Year-Old Teeth Reveal Diet Impact on Human Genetics
Bronze Age Teeth Reveal Evolution of Human Diet
Rohingya Flee Refugee Camps Amid Gang Violence, Kidnappings
Throwing Shade On Optics Damage
Self-Healing Joints Possible in 5 Years, Researchers Say
Delicate Balance Of Lepton Flavours
Statins Could Combat Gum Disease, Study Suggests
U of T Researcher Uses DNA Nanotech for Teeth Regeneration
North East Water Fluoridation Expansion Plans Unveiled
CMS Records First Photons-to-Taus Observation in Proton Collisions
Novel Electrochemical Sensor Detects Dangerous Bacteria
Multi-Tailed Messenger RNAs May Boost Therapeutic Efficacy
Zooplankton Feeding in Phocid Seals Linked to Multi-Cusped Teeth
Liberal Conflict of Interest Serves as Integrity Alert, 22 Mar 2024
Global Team Discovers Forest, Stream Habitats Balance Energy Exchanges
Microplastics Threaten Archaeological Sites, York Study Finds
Strategies to Enhance Red Phosphorus in Li/Na-Ion Batteries
Ancient Rays Showed Greater Diversity Than Once Believed
Rising Hypoxia Levels Detected in Pacific Northwest Ocean
Key Particle Physics Query Clarified in Study
55 Years Ago: Four Months Until Moon Landing
Oxford Discovers Ancient Human Brain Archive
Mahia's Decapitated Great White Shark Sparks Concern
Dubai's Emirati Cuisine: Glimpse into Heritage Food Scene
Ancient Human Brain Archive Debunks Soft Tissue Myths
Boys' Type 2 Diabetes Risk Rises with Sugary Drinks, Juices
Boys' Type 2 Diabetes Risk Boosted by Sugary Drinks, Juices
Middle-Aged Brain Biomarkers Forecast Later Cognitive Health
Retailers Abuse Alcohol Pregnancy Warning Loophole, Endangering Babies
Chemical Structure of Scents Unveiled by Scientists
Research Unveils Durability of COVID-19 Antibody Response
Scientists Uncover Chemical Analysis in Sense of Smell
Mystery Surrounds Buried Elephant Calves
UK Child Health Crisis: Necessary Changes Highlighted
Lot Party Celebrates Springwood Car Park Transformation
NIST Develops Frequency Comb for Enhanced Time Accuracy
Sensitive Neutrino Detector Tests Start for Physics, Nonproliferation
Old Trees Essential for Australian Birds, Saplings Fall Short
Experts Warn Against Toddler Milk for Children
Predicting Urban Tree Failure: Wood Condition, Root Constriction, Improper Pruning
McGill Leads Eight Innovative Projects with $107.5M Funding
AI Aids in Teeth Straightening
UK Project Successfully Disposes 1K+ Radioactive Waste Drums