Police would like to advise pilots a temporary restricted area will be in force for the Ekka tomorrow, Wednesday August 14, where the Air Force Roulettes aerobatic display team will be flying.
The Ekka will operate using restricted airspace approved by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). This restricted airspace will encompass a five (5) nautical mile area over Brisbane Showgrounds in Bowen Hills.
These restrictions also apply to drones and model aircraft of all sizes and weights operated commercially or recreationally, including drones that might be considered small toys.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at www.police.qld.gov.au/reporting or call 131 444.
Report crime information anonymously via Crime Stoppers. Call 1800 333 000 or report online at www.crimestoppersqld.com.au.