New Aussies Celebrate On Lake's Shore

Lake Macquarie City Council

L-R Shayan Baniya, 8, Supriya Khatri, 20, Rupak Raj Baniya, Reyan Baniya, 8, Sharmila Basnet.jpg

Sunday marked an unforgettable Australia Day for more than 90 new Aussie citizens celebrating on the shores of Lake Macquarie.

A total of 91 people hailing from 31 nations took the citizenship pledge at a ceremony at Rathmines Theatre, just metres from boats plying the lake's water and families enjoying picnics along the foreshore.

Among the new citizens were Rupak Raj Baniya and his twin sons Shavan and Reyan, 8.

Mr Baniya moved to Australia as a skilled worker in 2019 from Nepal, via Finland, with the rest of his family.

The electrical engineer said it was an honour and a joy to officially become an Australian citizen.

"We love the weather and beaches and everything like that, but on top of that it is a very safe country and a good country to bring up the kids," he said.

"I truly believe that my kids will have a great future here in Australia. It's a very proud day but I also personally feel more responsibility. We need to contribute to the community to keep making it a good country."

Lake Macquarie Mayor Adam Shultz, who presided over the ceremony, emphasised the day's importance.

"Today, we come together to celebrate not only our beautiful country but also the diverse and vibrant community we are fortunate to call home here in Lake Macquarie," he said.

"Australia Day reminds us of the incredible privilege it is to live in a nation that values freedom and opportunity for all."

"Welcoming people from all walks of life and all corners of the globe to Lake Macquarie enriches our community, and their stories, cultures and contributions enrich the fabric of our city."

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