Youth Voices Key in Gov't Relationship Ed Revamp

Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

In response to a new report from ERO, the Government has acknowledged the urgent need for consistency across the curriculum for Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) in schools.

"Any review process must truly prioritise the voices and wellbeing of rangatahi," says Green Party Education spokesperson, Dr Lawrence Xu-Nan.

"Every child and young person deserves to thrive in our education system and have a sense of belonging, which means providing them with evidence-based education that empowers them to make informed decisions about their lives, relationships, and wellbeing.

"The report found that 75 per cent of students felt they did not receive sufficient education about relationships and sexuality during their time in school. This must change.

"Despite this clear demand from students, the Government is yet to engage directly with them-and kaiako and whānau, who overwhelmingly support RSE-in shaping the future of this critical learning area.

"At a time where young people are increasingly exposed to harmful online content, this report unequivocally shows that RSE plays an increasingly important role.

"What this report confirms is that the current system is not fit for purpose. It's failing to equip our rangatahi with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate relationships and sexual health in a fast-moving, rapidly changing world.

"This is a pivotal moment. We cannot allow political agendas to shape this conversation and put our future generations in harm's way. We must be led by evidence and the voices of our communities. Comprehensive and inclusive education is not only vital for individual health and empowerment but also for creating a more informed and equitable society," says Dr Lawrence Xu-Nan.


  • Over nine in 10 (91 percent) students support RSE being taught in schools.
  • Most parents and whānau (87 percent) support RSE being taught in schools.
  • Parents and whānau who know what is being taught are happier with RSE

Full report available here: Let's talk about it: Review of relationships and sexuality education - Summary

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