Growers and grains industry stakeholders are invited to share their research, development and extension (RD&E) needs and priorities at upcoming events being held across Western Australia's grainbelt.
The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) is hosting a series of Grower Forums in July and August designed to capture grass-roots ideas, as well as share the latest locally relevant research outcomes.
GRDC Grower Relations Manager – West, Jo Wheeler, says the nine forums are part of the GRDC's National Grower Network initiative, to which the GRDC has recently made some changes as part of adjustments it has made to its approach to applied RD&E.
"The Grower Forums play a key role in the GRDC's aim to be more responsive to local issues and to create a stronger and more direct connection with a broad base of growers, advisers and researchers," Ms Wheeler said.
"I encourage growers to come along to the Forums and have a say on issues impacting their farming businesses, and to provide direct feedback to inform investment which will help maximise farm gate profits."

Ms Wheeler said the changes to the GRDC's approach to applied RD&E were about taking the best of the old model and developing a more responsive open forum to deliver local RD&E.
"Over the next 12 months, we are moving away from the current GRDC Grower Network membership model to a community-based approach," she said.
"In addition, more GRDC Grower Forums are being held and, to reduce duplication, we will also tap into other existing industry meetings to make the most of the time that growers already contribute to RD&E.
"We are also aiming to facilitate faster decision-making and streamlined action on local issues by updating our internal investment processes."
The events will include free refreshments and food, and will be held at the following locations:
- Coorow – Maley Park, Bothe Street – 4-7pm, Monday, July 19; Guest speaker: Tom Robinson – strip and disc grower and former South Australian No-Till Farmers Association (SANTFA) president
- Mullewa – 'The Shack' (on Critch family farm 12km east of Mullewa on Mullewa/Geraldton Road – watch for signs) – 7.30-10.30am, Tuesday, July 20; Guest speaker: Tom Robinson – strip and disc grower and former SANTFA president
- Badgingarra – West Midlands Group crop walk, Mungedar Road – 7.30am, Tuesday, July 27; Guest speakers: Geoff Fosbery, ConsultAg, and Dion Nicol, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) – talking about the season so far, early sowing, sprouting and more
- York – Settlers House York, 125 Avon Terrace – 4-7pm, Tuesday, July 27; Guest speakers: Geoff Fosbery, ConsultAg, and Dion Nicol, DPIRD – talking about the season so far, early sowing, sprouting and more
- Boyup Brook – Rylington Park, 1437 Boyup Brook-Cranbrook Road, Scotts Brook – 7.30-10.30am, Monday, August 2; Guest speaker: Steve Penny, TrialCo – talking about non-wetting soils, wetters and options for management
- Lake Grace Sportsmans Club – 4-7pm, Monday, August 2; Guest speaker: Ben Whisson, ConsultAg – talking about crop nutrition after renovation of cemented lateritic soils
- Moorine Rock Hotel – 4-7pm, Tuesday, August 3; Guest speakers: Ehsan Tavakkoli, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI), and David Hall, DPIRD – talking about improving wheat yields on sodic and dispersive soils
- Kalannie Sport & Recreation Club – 4-7pm, Wednesday, August 4: Guest speakers: Ehsan Tavakkoli, NSW DPI, and David Hall, DPIRD – talking about improving wheat yields on sodic and dispersive soils
- Lake King Golf Club – 5-8pm, Wednesday, August 11: Guest speakers Rob Daw, Hexagon, and Dustin Severtson, DPIRD – talking respectively about autonomous machinery as well as Russian wheat aphid and diamondback moth.